“Bad Ass” Dog Trainer

This morning as I was cruising through my Facebook page, I had one of those pop up suggested pages.  It was a “T” shirt ad.  On one side, it said “Dog Trainer” and the other said “Because Bad Ass Mother Fucker Isn’t An Official Job Title At Work.”

Well, I think this pretty much nails what is wrong with American society right now.  It’s more cool to be “a bad ass motherfucker” than to be a decent dog trainer, or educated professional in any aspect of life or employment.

The problem really isn’t about being “a bad ass.”  The problem is, it is being one WITHOUT any morals or values in play.

Those of us born before, say, 1970, are rendered nearly speechless at what is happening in our country every day.  This is why.  How is it that we are so different than those growing up behind us?

I think it has a lot to do with media.  The tide has changed from television shows with values and morals to pathetic, pointless, vignettes filled with canned laughter.  Clearly there because they don’t think you will know when to laugh, and because there is no real script writing with a point.

Our generations grew up when technology was developing and television was new.  We had shows like Lassie, Andy Griffith, and lots of cowboys, ALL of which ended in a way that you understood the “moral of the story.”  The characters had a conscience.

We also played outside, and yes, we played cowboys and Indians, we played army, and we even had real BB guns, and non child-proof drug containers back then.  We weren’t out shooting up the school or movie theatres.

The characters in our stories were clearly good and bad, and sometimes grey.  However, now, the blockbuster shows and movies are all about NON HUMANS and violence.

All they see is that the BADDEST motherfucker wins.  The emphasis is on win, not on working it out, or finding a way to resolve the issue, or learning anything.

What we saw were situations that were realistic to some degree, but the point was driven home.  People and animals died, yes, but they didn’t come back to life either.

These shows taught us the finality of some things and that once the lesson was learned, that we could move forward, having learned something that we would carry with us.

What does today’s media portray?  That the one who is willing to just kill everything, with no emotion or concern is the victor and that that, is the best way to be.  People with feelings and emotions are weak and disposable.

Today’s “bad ass” doesn’t have any feelings, just wants to “win” at all costs, right or wrong.  People are so focused on being at the top, that they don’t care how they get there.  The emphasis winning, whether or not you are entitled to, have the wherewithal to do it without cheating, killing, and to do it with no emotion.

They never learned that “winning isn’t everything.”

“Winning” isn’t even what it’s all about.




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