“Passed” versus “Died”

One of my pet peeves is the use of the word “passed” instead of saying someone died.  They didn’t go by you, they didn’t refuse something, they DIED.

Why people want to use this word???  The first time someone said this to me, I stood there and wondered for a moment what the hell they meant?  Passed what?  GAS???

I am from the South and as I grew up, I did not hear this term.  It’s only until recent times that it has gotten popular to replace the word “died” with “passed.”

Maybe they feel it’s a softer way to break the news, but I just prefer to be more clear.

If they were murdered, killed in an accident, or died in their sleep, they did not pass.  They were killed or they died.

I assume the use of the word might have a religious connotation, such as they passed into the afterlife.  However, everyone doesn’t believe in an afterlife.

So let’s just keepcommunication clear, they DIED!

Today’s Tip

Many of you may know this, however, I didn’t, so I would like to share this little bit ofhandy thinking with you.  Could save you some money too!

Ever need to add fluids to machinery like the car, the tractor, the lawn mower, and need an elusive funnel?  If you have a plastic soda or water bottle, simply cut the bottom half off, remove the cap, and EWWWW, AHHH, you have a funnel.

Something so simple, that many of us have probably overlooked, or in my case, just never thought of.

Nothing’s Special Anymore

Being one of the big proponents of “our society/America” is going to Hell in a handbasket,” I have to say, one of the many reasons is that NOTHING is special anymore.

With some psychology in my background, one of the many things I learned and have seen in person, is that routine and order are one of the keys to getting people on track.  This is one of the first basic methods for teens in distress and it’s why young men got sent to boot camp in the past.

Not only did they learn to be neat, tidy, on time, and to develop some basic organizational skills, like getting up on time, get things done to be ready for the day, their work, and how to dress, which gives them a feeling of accomplishment and security.

Yesterday, I saw something on the news about a young girl going to Prom in pants and a jacket.  They showed a photograph.

Along with the news anchors, I was surprised to see that she was wearing really not a nice jacket and slacks, but a sort of outrageous punk almost gangster looking clothes.


Our society has gotten to the point that try to excuse everything because people don’t have money, OR it’s their right to freedom to do as they please, or it really doesn’t matter.

Well it does matter.  In a subconscious, subliminal way, we have dumbed down our ways to the point that no one has the “want to” to succeed any more, or to achieve, or even care.

Oh, there are still some overachievers out there, wanting Prom gowns in the thousands of dollars, limo’s and the like, but this girl was upset when she was told by school authorities that she was not dressed appropriately.


Before we freak over the idea that the “poor thing” couldn’t afford a dress, let’s go back.  First off, her outfit was NOT tattered. It was tacky (in my opinion of course).

But school is one of the places where we start learning the hard lessons of life.  One of those is that there are occasions where certain attire is required.  Prom is one.  It is a FORMAL setting.  One in which you are required to dress appropriately.  This prepares you for future endeavors where you are expected to dress within a certain standard.

If you don’t learn that you have to dress for certain situations as a high schooler, how are you going to get anywhere in life?  Some colleges require in person interviews, almost every job in life requires an interview.  Weddings, parties, receptions, events.

Dress for success!  We’ve all heard it.  Well, if you let teenagers get away with doing whatever they want, then how can you expect them to be successful in the future?

One of my favorite movie examples is from “Remember the Titans” with Denzel Washington.  Denzel takes over a newly formed interracial high school football team.  He is taking them on buses to a college campus for spring training.  He tells them that he expects them to wear a suit and tie on the bus.  Knowing that they are not all from privileged backgrounds he tells them, if they don’t have it, buy it.  If they can’t afford it, borrow it from their father or uncle, and if they don’t have one of those, to find a bum on the street and trade him for it.

Today, poverty is no real excuse.  There are so many programs to help girls get decent prom dresses.  You can buy, rent, borrow, and the thrift stores are full of them.  Pick up cans, get a job, do something to EARN the money if you need money for a dress.  That leads to the “want to” and the sense of accomplishment that she will need for the future.

Boys, the same goes.  Most are fortunate, because generally at that age, one just rents a tuxedo.  So they can go wash cars, cut grass whatever, to earn the money.

Everyone is susceptible to peer pressure and high school, as we all know, is the worst place on earth for it. Part of confidence building is knowing what is expected and being able to fulfill expectations.  Anticipation, or the looking forward to an event, requires thinking and preparation, planning.  All skills that one will need for life.

Oh, and before anyone brings up the fact that maybe she is gay and does not choose to wear a dress, much as Ellen DeGeneres, then wear a tux!  Ellen certainly dresses very nicely for the occasion as the Oscar hostess.

But the bottom line of letting go of standards for what people consider, the little things, like dress leads to the “who cares’ attitude about everything which snowballs into a mountain of apathy.  And apathy is what is killing our society and our country.

Feel free to comment.


I realized that I started my blog last year on Easter, so, I guess I’d better pick it back up again.  Feel free to share with your friends.  I will try to do better from now on.

As a reminder, overly critical or negative posts will be removed.  I don’t mind a difference of opinion on here, but being nasty will not be tolerated.

But for now it is Easter, so here’s a video you can watch to make your Easter special in whatever way you spend it.

I’ll try to post something interesting to talk about tomorrow.